One more Lincoln cyclist blogging about cycling in and around Lincoln, NE.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Insight Returns

Remember the Honda Insight? It was that little green car that got 70 mpg and made us all think that hybrids were freaking amazing. Well, hybrids are still pretty awesome, but not 70 mpg awesome.

Honda is bringing the name back, but on a very different idea. I think it's the right idea. They're continuing with IMA, which is all about a motor and an engine always working together rather then the half dozen ways in which honda's synergy drive works. It's less efficient (IMA that is) but it's cheaper to make.

Honda is planning to continue with affordable NiMH cells for now. They're claiming that the Insight will sell under $20,000, which is competitive for a 5 seater hatch back. The new Insight should beat the Civic hybrid's mileage.

I think this is great. A hybrid at that price range may be cost effective with $2.50 gas. And if it's cost effective and popular it should actually get cheaper to run. If millions of people need the replacement batteries they'll be a lot less expensive then they'd be if thousands needed them.

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About Me

I'm a new cyclist. I ride a low end '07 Trek road bike and enjoy every minute of it.