One more Lincoln cyclist blogging about cycling in and around Lincoln, NE.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dogs and Trails

Trails are more dangerous than roads. It's strange but true. There are so many "look I just bought my first bike" riders, walkers, groups of teenagers, Freds (sorry, I hate the term), psychos (racers who ride on trails), and dog walkers that trails are an infinite source of minor collisions.

Sometimes people and other things die: Old people, kids, dogs, dogs, and dogs.

Now, I'm an animal lover and especially a dog lover which is why it really pains me to see idiots who shouldn't own dogs walking them. You know the kind: They apologize when their dog almost runs under your bike. Did you know that trails are a dangerous place for a dog, especially an uncontrolled one on a long leash (long is greater than 6').

I wonder how many injuries their are from this sort of crap.

So let's rate the danger of various things you find on trails, on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being something will probably die on a weekly basis and 1 being they might talk to you and say something rude.
Dogs -- 9
Walkers (1 or 2) -- 3
Kids -- 2
Kids Parents -- 6
"I just bought my first bike" -- 8 (if you ignore them); 3 (if you notice them)
Freds -- 2
Serious Cyclists -- 1.5 (they're more likely to be rude)
Trail racers -- 2
Groups of teenagers -- 2 (you're guaranteed to get yelled at)
Squirrels -- 0

Squirrels was the insulting punchline, just in case you missed it ;). I always think I'm going to hit them, and I never do.

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About Me

I'm a new cyclist. I ride a low end '07 Trek road bike and enjoy every minute of it.