One more Lincoln cyclist blogging about cycling in and around Lincoln, NE.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Bike

On Sunday I bought a used mountain bike I found on craigslist. I'll skip on disclosing the price, but price was the main reason for going used: I didn't want to spend alot, but I didn't want a $300 mountain bike.

It's an '05 Giant Yukon Disc. Hardtail, disc brakes, trigger shifters, and some insanely odd 26x2" 80PSI tires.

So I rode it to work today. Since it was snowy out this morning I figured it was a good day to break her in. It does pretty well in this crap. Ice isn't so great, I really need studded tires for ice (I fell once on the ice). Snow though, for snow it does wonderfully!
On dry pavement it's not so nice. The road bike has spoiled me.

Anyway it looks like I'm gonna be about 11 for 20 for commuting this month. Pretty good given that I had only a road bike for the first 3 weeks.

Edit: A picture.

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About Me

I'm a new cyclist. I ride a low end '07 Trek road bike and enjoy every minute of it.