One more Lincoln cyclist blogging about cycling in and around Lincoln, NE.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Debunking Debunking Portland, Part 1


First I'd like to say this is an interesting site. It's well researched, they've found some sources of info I was previously unaware of. Now, onto the debunking.

Basically this page is trying to prove that it's inefficient to ride the bus or take the train. I'm just going to talk about the bus (we have buses here, we don't have trains).

They present a few vehicles:
1. The Honda Insight, as a hybrid example. Unfortunately, this car wasn't made anymore when the article came out (2006 was the last model year, so 2005 was the last production year). Also, unfortunately, there's no hybrid that's so efficient today. The Honda contains 1.57 people.
1. A bus, with 9 people on it.
1. A normal small car, with 1.57 people.

They point out that for the last 30 years buses have gotten far less efficient and cars have become far more efficient. That's almost true. Look at table 2.11: Buses have gotten slightly less efficient (Actually, they probably seat more. I've been in buses from almost every decade and the modern ones are roomy). Yet their per person energy has grown far less efficient. Simple division tells us that the average bus is transporting 9 passengers. I've been on a few buses in my life, and a normal size bus is meant to carry 80 people. It seats around 25 people (which is about how many it takes to be as efficient as the Insight).

I must agree with their conclusion though: If people drove smaller cars it would probably do more to reduce energy use than bus riding. And the reason is simple: People won't ride buses. I think there are a host of reasons:
1. The stigma.
2. The chicken and the egg problem.
3. Buses are run by cities, which is painfully stupid. The city of Lincoln actually cut its routes back due to high fuel costs.

So, ride the bus. It'll run the same route anyway. And, if you were the person who tipped the scales to add another bus to the route then it's safe to assume they have a decent passenger ratio on your route. Buses, as your head is telling you, are pretty efficient if people ride them.

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About Me

I'm a new cyclist. I ride a low end '07 Trek road bike and enjoy every minute of it.