One more Lincoln cyclist blogging about cycling in and around Lincoln, NE.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday's Ride

Appx. Distance: 35 mi
Appx. Time: 3 hours (I got lost a lot)

Number of angry honks: 1
Number of "I love you's" from random men in a passing car: 1

Trails Used: Bison, Boosalis (hwy 2), Rock Island, Billy Wolff, Jamaica North, Pioneers Pk (don't do this on a bike, it's not pleasant)

Best place to stop: Pioneers Park, I wish I'd known this existed before

There always seems to be a lot of talk about Lincoln as a cycling friendly town. And in many ways it is, but in many ways it's quite hostile.
It seems that the city is a big fan of making the city friendly to cyclists. Building dozens of commuter trails (some were even worth building), bike lanes downtown, bridges, occasional underpasses, and etc.
But the people in this city... Wow. You experience it in every town, but I can honestly say I've never feared being rear ended in Des Moines.
It's commonplace for a driver to pass you inside your lane (I ride about 1/3 out from the curb so that means they're occupying two lanes). Yesterday I got a honk from a car approaching rapidly (judging by the approach of the long honk I didn't think they were slowing down; I moved, they didn't slow down). Oh, I'm sorry, I meant SUV not car.
About a quarter of the drivers in this town don't know to stop before the crosswalk at an intersection. Usually they're pretty good about not doing it on bike routes, but they do it there as well. It must be even more of an obstruction to walkers because I see it constantly while driving. This isn't surprising though, Lincoln drivers only look good because Omaha drivers are so bad.

Let's look at what makes a Bicycle friendly community (
1. Engineering (trails, bike lanes, BIKE RACKS, cities designed to be cyclable -- I'm not sure that they count impossible hills against you)

I don't stop at a lot of stores when I'm out so I haven't looked for racks everywhere, but I don't see them out front when I do go to stores. This is something I'd have to look into more.
Another issue here is our commuter trails. These trails are sidewalks, not safe bicycle trails: 84th, 70th, Old Cheney, and probably Superior but I haven't been up there.

2. Education
Nebraska doesn't even educate its drivers on how to drive with other vehicles. So that's an obvious loss, sorry Lincoln.

3. Encouragement
I say good job. The maps of the trails are pretty good (although it'd be nice if they'd put the interstate on the map so that you don't feel lost when you end up crossing it -- just a suggestion).

4. Enforcement
I'm not sure there's much enforcement for anyone on the roads in Lincoln. I've lived here for 6 months and yesterday was the first time I saw a car pulled over here (I think). I'm not complaining, oh no I'm not complaining about that. I just can't offer an intelligent point of view on this one.
I wonder though if Lincoln has a bike squad. They probably should downtown.

5. Evaluation and Planning
Again, no clue.

Interestingly enough not many places win this it seems. Not even Des Moines which has an amazing set of rural trails which connect into the city. And there rural trails aren't crushed limestone!

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About Me

I'm a new cyclist. I ride a low end '07 Trek road bike and enjoy every minute of it.